Following on from my recent ‘shockvertising’ post, I thought I would post a link to a current TV commercial that I really like. The ad is once again a VW one but I’m not posting it for it’s shocking or controversial qualities, but purely because I really like the ad and appreciate the days of work that must have gone into making it.

Actually, as coincidence would have it, my favorite ever TV commercial is another VW one. Released quite a while back, the Cabrio ad introduced me to the music of Nick Drake. It also reminded me of a really great night I spent on Singing Beach just North of Boston with some students from Gordon College. It was a warm night and there were just loads of groups of people chilling out on the beach. It was magically mellow.

And just in case you missed my links to some amusing TV commercials in the comments of the ‘shockvertising’ post I’ve posted them again. So hey, enjoy, though if you’re not on broadband you probably won’t.

VW Golf ad
VW Cabrio ad (My all time favorite TV ad)
Nick Drake

Yo! Pedestrian!
Guys will relate to this
Credit card protection – Ouch!
Cam breast exam
Pretty girls sell beer
Get in line