If I played an instrument then between that, writing, and photography, I don’t think I’d ever have time to work! I love music, but aside of learning three cords on the guitar, I never really learned how to play an instrument. I keep telling myself to buy a guitar and take that up again, and maybe one day I will.

I actually wanted to learn how to play the bass guitar, but my music teacher told me I had to learn the six string first. They misunderstood my intentions though. I didn’t really want to learn how to play the guitar so I could make music. No, I wanted to play the easiest instrument possible that would allow me to join a band and enjoy all the ‘benefits’ that go with being cool and in a band!

After watching Adam Clayton from U2 I decided that being a bass player was just the ticket. I could grow my hair long, stand on stage, pluck a few easy baselines, bob my head back and forth like they do, and just be wickedly cool. The fame, the girls, and the fortune would be mine with two strings less effort than the guy who played lead. A master plan!

In the end though, I never got to learn bass, never got to amass a personal fortune or enjoy international celebrity, and girls… well, a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.

Had I taken up the musical keyboard rather than the computer keyboard, then I might have produced material not unlike that featured in the video below. The music and video are the creations of a Brit by the name of Clive Booth working under the name ‘Ribside’.

Now, while the music might not be to your taste, I enjoyed the video because it has a quirky unassuming quality to it. Looking out across a very uninspiring yard to a gate as leaves blow around in the wind, somehow the whole scene takes on another feel.

As I watched the video I found myself willing Clive to hit a few more keys and funk it up a little. But nonetheless as the music played I sat there bobbing my head in a fashion not dissimilar to the base player I never was.

The track is called ‘All With Immaculate Teeth’ and you can see/read/hear more from Ribside at ribside.com
