So, I’m in India! It was something of a last minute thing. My friend Joelle is currently living for a little while in Tamil Nadu and she invited me to go stay with her and her friend Laxman, a Dutch national who spends most of his time in India. So, here I am!


IndiaSo far my experience here in India has been very different to my last trip here. Joelle and Laxman life an ‘off-the-grid’ existence outside of a town called Tiruvannamalai which lies at the foot of a so-called holy mountain that seems to be home to tons of temples and spiritual gurus. Everywhere you go there are pictures of a guru called Ramana. He’s dead now, but evidently he was something of a big shot in the world of guruness (is that even a word?).

It’s hot here and, of course, there is no air conditioning. I’m sleeping in the house of one of Laxman’s neighbors in a bedroom which has large windows with no glass. There is a working light-bulb and even a shower in an outside shower-room. Cooking is done using a solar cooker or a gas stove, and water is pumped to the house and Laxman’s house is powered by a large battery which is charged via a solar panel. It might not be everyones cup of tea, but what it lacks in amenities is more than made up for by the hospitality of my hosts.



Despite having been to India before it’s still something of a culture shock to come here. The roads are packed with mopeds, cows, buses, auto-rickshaws, bicycles, trucks, and the occasional car. Anything with a horn is invariably sounding it and attempting to overtake someone else in a maneuver that would have them arrested and banned from driving back if they tried the same thing back in the UK. Beside the road are food stands, shacks, temples, and shops and the closer you get the the city the crazier it all gets.

This is no glossy brochure tourist trip, it’s India like India is. The meals we’ve eaten in what I will only loosely call restaurants, have all been served on banana leaves in smoke filled rooms that I wouldn’t be happy to keep my bike in back home, but this is adventure territory and I’m up for that.


About Tiruvannamalai
May first trip to India (Part 1)
My first trip to India (Part 2)
[Map] Where in the world is Tiruvannamalai