I love the rain the most when it stops. Perhaps if I lived some place where rain was a rarity I’d go outside to feel the drops hit my face and walk in the puddles kicking up the water like autumn leaves. But it’s been a rainy summer here, and as beautiful as it can be at times, I still love the rain the most when it stops.

I took these photographs in my garden after a rainstorm, and snapped the rainbow when it appeared in a field as I drove along a country road.

After the storm

After the storm

After the storm

After the storm

After the storm

After the storm

After the storm

After the storm

The American playwright, Tennessee Williams, once wrote “Don’t you just love these long rainy afternoons… when an hour isn’t an hour, but a little piece of eternity dropped into your hands, and who knows what to do with it?” – Well I’m trying Mr Williams, but maybe the rain has yet to learn that absence makes the heart grow fonder.


Diamonds in the rough
Out there
Joe Purdy – I love the rain the most when it stops