Back in June I visited the Angkor region of Cambodia, famous for its incredible temples that date back to the 12th century. There really was no question in my mind that the picture of the day would be of one of the great temples that have been crumbling over time.

Children selling drinks

My friend Will and I had hired a local moto-taxi rider to be our chauffeur for the day, and he dutifully took us around the various sites (though in the end we did lose him!).

At one point we returned to the moto-taxi and found ourselves surrounded by these children desperately trying to sell us cold drinks. They ran up to us and immediately started talking all at once to us. It was a pretty hot day and a cold beer seemed like a good idea, so I bought two cold beers for my friend Will and one for our driver too. The older girl was very upset that we didn’t buy anything from her and she had the disappointed look down to a heart wrenching performance, so yes, we got a drink from her too!

The picture that I published that day showed the awesome Bayon temple, but really this was one of those days where just showing a single picture felt like a terrible limitation.