Regulars readers may recall that in late June I got a letter addressed to Rev. Simon Jones with the job title of ‘Senior whip cracker and tea boy.’ Well, you may now refer to me as Rabbi Simon Jones.

Of course I am neither a Rabbi or a Reverend, but to the kind folks at the marketing department of ‘Original Source‘ I am indeed a man of the cloth.

I became a Rabbi while filling in an online form for a free sample of ‘Original Source’ shower gel. I could have chosen from a variety of interesting titles including Captain, Major, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Professor, Reverend, Sir, or Lord. Well come on, if they put a list of titles like that in a drop down menu the joker in me just has to choose one!

This does have a rather interesting side effect though. Now if I get any more mail addressed to the good Rabbi I will know exactly where they obtained my address from. I shouldn’t get any junk mail though because I specified that I only wanted the free sample and not tons of junk mail, plus I am on the UK’s mailing preference list, a service which prevents you from getting junk mail which is a common problem shared by many. (See my post about how to stop junk mail)

The free sample was only small, but hey, it was free! At the same time I also found a link to request a free sample of Lacoste cologne, but after filling out yet another long form that sample has yet to appear and frankly its been a while now so I doubt it ever will.