I have a friend with a problem that they’re clearly unaware of. It seems to be getting worse and I find myself presented with a tough question; Should I bring it up with them, or is it kinder to just overlook it?

BuzzwordaholicCatherine (not her real name) is a bright and attractive girl who oozes confidence yet tempers any possible swagger with a genuine empathy for those around her. She loves her fast-paced city life and is enjoying success in her chosen field. In short she’s great, and I’m lucky enough to count her among my friends. However, she has a condition that I’m finding increasingly hard to deal with. She has I.B.S… Irritable Buzzword Syndrome.

Conversations with Catherine used to be fun and meandering exchanges that could flow in any direction or gather around a subject like bubbles in a bathtub. These days, however, the corporate city life she so obviously adores is having an effect on my friend.

Her I.B.S can stink up a conversation faster than a fart in a taxi cab. Buzzwords fill the conversation then linger like annoying toilet floaters seemingly impervious to any attempts to flush them away.

The unfortunate condition used to be confined to conversations about her job, but it would seem that the I.B.S is spreading. Even the briefest of chats can leave me feeling like I’ve watched a subtitled French film. Sometimes I can only make sense of a sentence because of the context; on its own it would be pure nonsense.

So what should I do about my friend and her I.B.S? I’m not sure that a quiet word in her ear would be heard unless it was itself a buzzword, and I’m not well versed in the corporate double-talk of her excessively wordy world.

Perhaps an intervention is called for, a forced removal to a farm in deepest Wales where she could be deprogramed then later returned to everyday society. Or maybe there’s a middle way, an option that won’t potentially alienate my friend or worsen her condition?

I’ve searched the web for natural remedies, plants or fruit extracts that might alleviate the situation. But perhaps there is a deeper issue here, one that cannot be cured in stealth mode and instead has to be confronted by my friend herself. Maybe there is a some kind of twelve step program she can join or a local support group for recovering buzzwordaholics? I just don’t know. All I know is that its getting harder and harder to listen as my friend fouls up our chatter with her Irritable Buzzword Syndrome.

Unsuckit.com : ‘Un suck’ terrible business jargon
BuzzWhack : Dedicated to demystifying buzzwords
Intergrated go-forward buzzword generator
Ridiculous business jargon dictionary
Doing life the hard way
What is I.B.S really?