If you’re a subscriber to this blog, you could be forgiven for thinking I have abandoned it and that I’m not writing anymore. However, nothing could be further from the truth. I’m actually writing more now than ever before, a new post every single day in fact. You just need to know where to look.

I’m living life ‘on the road’ this year and you might remember that back in January I began a new blog called 366 Pictures. The concept is simple; Every day throughout 2012 I publish a single picture and write a brief blog post that relates to the photograph in some way.

It’s been a great exercise so far and I am really enjoying the results. I thought it would be a far easier undertaking than it has turned out to be, but already I’ve found that it’s changing the way I look at the world around me.

If you enjoy my writing and photography then I’m quite sure you’ll also enjoy 366 Pictures. There’s new content every single day, and you can be a part of the project as it unfolds by becoming a subscriber in just the same ways as you’re subscribed to BEFOREiFORGET.

Share my visual journey though 2012! Check out 366 Pictures and subscribe to the site via RSS or email. As usual I REALLY value the comments and feedback that people leave for me, so don’t be shy, subscribe and comment!

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Check out 366pictures.com now